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January 31-February 3, 2024 at the Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL

We are happy to be returning to the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL for the 2024 Annual Training Event & Trade Show.

MACS Training Event provides a forum that joins all industry segments and professionals together to foster growth and expand knowledge.   By facilitating relationships industry-wide, MACS allows industry professionals to easily attain the information they need to solve their customers A/C problems.

Over three days, attendees can learn from industry experts and participate in 70+ hours of mobile a/c training.  Presentations will feature service and repair knowledge for automotive, light-duty trucks, heavy-duty and off-road vehicles.

Attending the MACS training event provides an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals the mobile a/c industry to create and grow relationships with people who share interests and experiences and potentially form valuable connections.

MACS holds the only mobile a/c product specific trade show is the United States.  This is your opportunity to meet the expert industry exhibitors of parts, tools and equipment, chemicals and technology.  MACS will hold a “beginners tech” class on Friday that includes Mobile A/C Best Practices, Section 609 Certification class & test along with access to the trade show.

Full Registration Prices
MACS Members – $495
Non Members – $695

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